What Does The NSFAS Bursary Cover?

By | October 7, 2020

What Does The NSFAS Bursary Cover?

The NSFAS bursary covers a range of student needs to help you through your tertiary career.

When Attending A University The Following Will Be Covered:

  • Student accommodation: All cost will be covered according to the university residence price list. Private accommodation will only be covered if it lies within the university residence price range.
  • Transport: Within 40km of the univerisity.
  • Meals: All meals will be covered, if living on student residence.
  • Book allowances: To cover textbook costs for the study period.
  • Incidental / personal care allowance.

click Here for All Bursaries and Nsfas Details

When Attending A TVET College The Following Will Be Covered:

  • Student accommodation: Accommodation within an urban, peri-urban or rural area will be covered.
  • Transport: Within 40km of the univerisity.
  • Meals: All meals will be covered, if living on student residence.
  • Incidental / personal care allowance.
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click Here for All Bursaries and Nsfas Details

For Students With A Disability:

  • Student accommodation
  • Transport
  • Meals
  • Book allowances
  • Incidental / personal care allowance
  • Assistive devices: Devices such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, adapted laptops, etc.
  • Support aids: Those who need carers or tutors are assisted with the cost of those professionals.