Hospitality Learnerships

By | May 11, 2020

Hospitality Learnerships

Closing Date: 23 April 2012

Title Location How to Apply Closing Date
Food | Beverage Learnership Nelspruit or fax to 011 7000 401 23 April 2012
Learnership in Hospitality Reception Port Elizabeth, East London  or fax to 011 7000 401. 10 May 2012
Hospitality Reception Learnership Kimberly  or fax to 011 7000 401. 23 April 2012
Professional Cookery Learnership Bloemfontein  or fax to 011 7000 401. 23 April 2012

The learnership will consist of 30% Theory and 70% practical work, this will prepare learners for the work they will conduct on the host employers site. To qualify, candidates must:

  • have passed Grade 12 or NQF Level4
  • be unemployed
  • be between the ages of 18 and 35
  • be a South African citizen
  • have a good command of the English language

If you meet the above requirements and are interested in the learnership. please forward your CV to or fax to 011 7000 401. Please state the learnership title that you applying for, as there is a few learnership on the go.

Eligibility note:

It is unlawful to employ a person who does not have permission to live and work in South Africa. Unless the advert states otherwise, please ensure you have this permission before applying.