Category Archives: Science Bursaries In South Africa

Standard Bank 150 Bursaries South Africa 2024 – 2025

Standard Bank 150 Bursaries South Africa 2024 – 2025 ABOUT THE COMPANY – STANDARD BANK The history of the Standard Bank Group dates back to the year 1862 when the Bank of British South Africa Limited was formed. The bank offers various banking and related financial services, including Consumer Banking; Private Banking; Investment Banking and… Read More »

Cape Wools SA Bursary Fund South Africa 2024 – 2025

Cape Wools SA Bursary Fund South Africa 2024 – 2025 ABOUT THE COMPANY – CAPE WOOL SA Cape Wools SA Bursary Fund South Africa; Cape Wools SA was established as an association in 1997 and is currently the South African Wool Industry’s official industry representative organisation. Cape Wools are responsible for representing the interests of… Read More »

HORTGRO Bursary South Africa 2024 – 2025

HORTGRO Bursary South Africa 2024 – 2025 ABOUT THE COMPANY – HORTGRO HORTGRO Bursary South Africa | The history of HORTGRO dates back to 1652 when the first apple seeds were planted by Jan van Riebeeck in the Cape of Good Hope. Today, the company is focused on research and technology, production, transformation, markets and… Read More »

Impala Platinum/ Implats Bursary South Africa 2024 – 2025

Impala Platinum/ Implats Bursary South Africa 2024 – 2025 WELCOME TO ZABUSARIES.COM, Impala Platinum/ Implats Bursary South Africa 2024 – 2025, Welcome to, on this page you will find details on  Bursaries in South Africa And how to apply. Our aim is to provide this information as accurately as possible. How does it work?… Read More »

SAMSA (South African Maritime Safety Authority) Bursary South Africa 2024 – 2025

SAMSA (South African Maritime Safety Authority) Bursary South Africa 2024 – 2025 ABOUT THE COMPANY – SAMSA The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) was founded in 1998 and is a government agency within the country. SAMSA has 3 main objectives, namely: to promote the maritime interests of South Africa; to ensure the safety of… Read More »

EWSETA Bursary South Africa 2024 – 2025

EWSETA Bursary South Africa 2024 – 2025 ABOUT THE COMPANY – EWSETA The Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority (EWSETA), one of the 21 SETAs in South Africa, is a skills development authority that are responsible for serving the energy and water sectors. EWSETA are responsible for the management of skills development within… Read More »

Old Mutual Bursaries South Africa 2024 – 2025

Old Mutual Bursaries South Africa 2024 – 2025 Old Mutual South Africa (OMSA) is a financial services provider in Southern Africa that provides investment, savings, life assurance, asset management, banking and property and personal insurance in Africa, Europe, the Americas and Asia. It is a vital participant in the South African economy. The company’s reputation… Read More »

SACCCS Bursary South Africa 2024 – 2025

SACCCS Bursary South Africa 2024 – 2025 About SACCCS The South African Centre for Carbon Capture | Storage (SACCCS) was established in 2009 and is a South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI), a State-Owned Entity of the Department of Energy. SACCCS is also an authority for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) related activities in South Africa. Carbon Capture… Read More »

South African Association of Botanists Scholarship South Africa 2024 – 2025

South African Association of Botanists Scholarship South Africa 2024 – 2025 ABOUT THE COMPANY – SAAB The South African Association of Botanists (SAAB) was founded in order to promote and maintain the status of the Botany profession across all sectors and to perform functions which may attain the objectives of the profession. SAAB represents various… Read More »

ACEP Bursaries South Africa 2019 – 2020

ACEP Bursaries South Africa 2019 – 2020 About ACEP African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP) was founded in 2000, when a living population of coelacanths was found off Sodwana Bay. ACEP, as initiated by the Department of Science | Technology (DST), is now a multi-disciplinary east coast research programme. It is primarily funded by the DST and uses research equipment… Read More »

Maize Trust Bursary South Africa 2024

Maize Trust Bursary South Africa 2024 ABOUT THE COMPANY – MAIZE TRUST Maize Trust Bursary South Africa | The Maize Trust, established in 1998, was formed after the Maize Board closure, with the main aim of promoting the maize industry of South Africa. The Trust provides the maize industry with financial support, to organisations and… Read More »

South African Nursery Association Bursary 2024 – 2025

South African Nursery Association Bursary 2024 – 2025 ABOUT THE COMPANY – SANA South African Nursery Association Bursary 2024 – 2025, The South African Nursery Association (SANA) was established in the year 1947 as a non-profit organisation. The main aim of the SANA is to represent the interests of the green/ nursery industry. SANA now… Read More »

South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) Foundation Bursaries 2024 – 2025

South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) Foundation Bursaries 2024 – 2025 ABOUT THE COMPANY – SAAFOST The South African Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) Foundation is the association of food science, technology and other professionals serving South Africa’s food and allied industries. SAAFoST aims at increasing the knowledge base of… Read More »