Department of Labour Bursaries for the Disabled

By | February 8, 2019

Department of Labour Bursaries for the Disabled

The bursary will cover the following: • Actual registration, tuition and examination fees (“the tuition costs”) payable to the Institution, and as charged to the applicant fee account; • Costs of books and other study materials prescribed by the Institution in relation to the Qualification (“the materials costs”); • Applicant’s accommodation and meal costs (“the accommodation costs”)1 • Applicant transportation guidelines (read under “the accommodation costs”) • The costs of providing an assistive device to the Applicant (as per the schedule/cost table attached to this document); and • With the exception of cases where no other means of cash payment are possible (as is determined in the NSFAS Manual item 5.1), no cash shall be placed in the hands of applicants.

1 year renewable

Any recognised university or university of technology in South Africa

Who Can Apply
South African applicant with disability, in public higher education institution, academically able and financially needy.

Service Contract
Beneficiaries of the bursary are required to work in South Africa for a specified period after completion of their studies. Should the beneficiary of the bursary be unable to find employment in South Africa within a 3 mo

Apply directly to the institution at which you wish to study,
including most public tertiary institutions.
NSFAS, Private Bag X1, Plumstead, 7801

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